Award ceremony of Textile Science Research Centre of the most successful scientific or artistic research work of young scientists in the field of textiles was held on 18th of July 2011.

The competition was divided into two separate categories:

1st category: for full time students of undergraduate/graduate students of University
of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology.

2nd category: for doctoral students of TTF

Papers submitted for the competition were collected, reviewed and published in the book entitled Young scientists in the protective textiles research. The promotion of this book was held on the occasion of the TSRC award ceremony at the premises of Rectorat of the University of Zagreb.



Aula at University of Zagreb, Trg maršala Tita 14, 18.07.2011.g., 10h


10.00-10.10  Opening for Project Coordinator FP7-REGPOT-2008-1-229801:T-Pot,
Prof. Sandra Bischof Vukušić, Ph.D.

10.10-10.20  Opening speech by Vice-Rector for Science and Technology of
University in Zagreb, Prof. Melita Kovačević, Ph.D.

10.20-10.30  Opening speech by the rector of the University of Zagreb, Prof. Aleksa
Bjeliš, Ph.D.


Presentations of students work:


10.3010.35  Katarina Suton, Meliha Omerović: Analysis of the adsorbed
polyurethane membrane

10.3510.40 Lara Karlavaris: Functionally designed Summer safety shirts

10.4010.45 Adriana Štimac: Multifunctional nano-treatment of
women Headgear

10.4511.00 Jelena Hačko, Slavica Andrić: Application of argon plasma to
improve fixation procedure


Presentations of doctoral students:


11.0511.10 Zorana Kovačević: Broom – a new fiber for composites

11.1011.15 Marina Turalija: Surface modification of polylactide with silver

11.1511.20 Eva Magovac: Flammability and thermal stability of cotton fabrics
treated with microcapsuled triphenyl phosphate

11.2011.25 Slavica Bogović: Design and construction of functional protective
clothing for firefighters

11.2511.30 Beti Rogina-Car: Ispitivanje otpornosti šavova na kemikalije

11.3011.35 Katia Grgić: UV protection of textiles in laundering’

11.3511.40 Žaklina Domjanić: Oštećenje šivaćih igala

11.4011.45 Vedran Đurašević: Thermo chromic medical textile

11.4512.00 Emilija Zdraveva: Porous microstructures made ​​by
electro spinning

12.0012.15 Sandra Flinčec Grgac: Application of FAU zeolite to process
against the burning of cellulose


Foreword held by Project Coordinator FP7-REGPOT-2008-1-229801: T-Pot, Prof. Sandra Bischof Vukušić, PhD, and briefly presented the objectives and efforts of the project.

Vice-Rector for Science and Technology, Melita Kovačević in his opening speech stressed the support of the University of Zagreb, to support projects funded by the European Union. The importance of these projects is further emphasize the present students of Textile Technology, whose subsequent work indeed have the ability contribute to scientific research, and development of the economy.

Vice-Rector Kovačević is author of the first chapters in book entitled Research like the present and the future of the University of Zagreb

First of the students’ work, entitled: Analysis of adsorbed polyurethane membrane, is presented by Meliha Omerović. The work was developed with a colleague Katarina Suton, under the mentorship of prof. Stana Kovačević.

Third place in the Student Category was won Lara Karlavaris with work entitled: Functionally designed summer protective shirts, made under the mentorship of Prof. Z. Mencl Bajs and doc. A. Tomljenović.

Second place in the Student Category was won Adriana Stimac with work entitled: Multifunctional nano treatment of women’s headgear, developed under the supervision of doc. A. Tomljenović and MA S. Bogović.

First place in the category of students won student Jelena Hačko and Slavica Andrić with work entitled Application of argon plasma to improve the fixing, made ​​under the mentorship of Ph.D. S. Ercegović.


In the category of doctoral candidates in the contest was declared Ten entries.

Zoran Kovačević presented a paper titled: Broom – a new fiber for composites, made during her scientific research stay at the Institute of Natural Fibres and medical plants in Poznan, Poland. The work was created in collaboration with Edytom Bogacz and is made under supervision of Prof S. Bischof Vukušić and Malgorzata Zimniewska, PhD.

Marina Turalija is still on the research stay at the cooperative institution EMPA, St. Gallen, and was not able to give a presentation. Her presentation is among other contributions. The paper, entitled Surface modification polylactide with silver was created under the mentorship of S. Gaan, PhD and Prof. Bischof Vukušić.

The next work under the title: Flammability and thermal stability of cotton fabrics treated micro-encapsulating triphenyl phosphate is introduced by Eva Magovac. Eva was a collaborator on the project FP7-REGPOT-2008-1-229801 in period of two years and is now employed at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Karlovac. The work was created during her scientific research stay at the University of Ljubljana in cooperation with Boštjan Šumiga, a representative of Aero. Mentors of this work were Prof. P. Forte Tavčer on University of Ljubljana, and Prof. Bischof Vukušić.

Working under the title: Design and construction of functional protective clothing for firefighters is introduced MA S. Bogović. The work was created in collaboration with A. Hursa, PhD.

Please find enclosed the presentation held at the award ceremony:

  1. T-Pot_Bischof.pdf
  2. Suton_Omerovic.pdf
  3. Karlavaris.pdf
  4. Stimac.pdf
  5. Hacko_Andric.pdf
  6. Kovacevic.pdf
  7. Turalija.pdf
  8. Magovac.pdf
  9. Bogovic.pdf
  10. Rogina.pdf
  11. Grgic.pdf
  12. Djurasevic.pdf
  13. Zdraveva.pdf
  14. Flincec_Grgac.pdf
  15. Domjanic.pdf


Complete promotions and awards show in a separate document:

Showing book promotion and award prizes TSRC(croatian language only)