University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Varaždin Study Unit participated at the 9th Festival of Varaždin Yards, organized by the Varaždin Tourist Board. This year, student work was presented and workshops were held for all interested visitors in the Atrium of the County Palace, namely:

  • Workshop “My sketch – my coolest sneaker” TTF & Tvornica obuće Ivančica d.d. Ivanec
  • Workshop for making jewelry and pendants from the leftovers of industrial leather
  • Educational workshop and story about wool

In the framework of the workshop “My sketch – my coolest sneaker“, visitors, primarily children, had the opportunity to design the sneaker, and the best design will be selected by an expert jury. Later, the seaker will be made at footwear Tvornica obuce Ivančica d.d., and gifted to the author of the best sneaker design.

At the Wool educational workshop all visitors received interesting and concise information about the intrinsic properties of wool, which is currently neglected in Croatia. These activities are related to the research on the project INTERREG DRP0200404 Green-Tex: Improving the production and consumption of Danube green textiles and clothing, on which the Textile Science Research Center  (TSRC) of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, led by prof. Sandra Bischof, is one of the partners. Research on the project includes various application of natural raw materials of autochthonous origin, such as wool and hemp, for innovative, green and circular textile products.

Some of the properties of wool, such as absorption, hygroscopicity and water retention as well as thermal insulation and thermoregulation, are shown on the example of gardening products with different applications in agronomy. The possibility of using raw (unwashed wool) or balls of washed wool obtained by felting was presented. The self-extinguishing property of wool fibers compared to cotton fibers was demonstrated, which gives wool products the dimension of fire protection, along with the natural property of biodegradability and sustainability. The knowledge gained at the educational workshop could be checked with a short Wool quiz.