Title: Multifunctional technical nonwoven and knitted
textiles, composites and yarns and Processes
Project funding: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Code: 117-0000000-2984
Project Leader: Prof. Zenun Skenderi, Ph.D.
Topic 1.1: Technical nonwoven textiles
Research of the influence of technological parameters on the properties of nonwoven technical textiles:
The survey recognized that the strength in the transverse direction is greater than the strength in the longitudinal direction, and elongation values vary within the limits of 71 to 91%. Multifunctionality of nonwovens made of PP and PET was researched, as well as acoustic properties of technical textiles for the automobile industry. The coefficient of sound absorption at frequencies from 160 to 2000 Hz is consistent for all tested materials and amounts up to 0.08, while at higher frequencies (6300 Hz) increases to a value of 0.3 and is different for different types of materials and structures.