Title: Advanced Technical Woven Fabrics
and Processes
Project funding: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Code: 117-0000000-1376
Project Leader: Assoc.Prof. Stana Kovačević, Ph.D.
Project Summary:
The subject of this project is advanced technical woven fabrics and processes. They are intended for the use in interior decoration, transportation, industrial and medical purposes, tapestry and the like. These fabrics contain raw materials in common, and domestic wool and linen yarn as well as glass and carbon yarn will be preferred, but other natural raw materials will be used too, yarns of chemical fibers from synthetic polymers and “smart” yarns. The aim of this research is to find the most optimal raw material and fabric construction and to make a commercially acceptable, qualitative, healthy, comfortable and smart technical fabric.
Basic investigations will include: physical-mechanical, thermal, relaxation and elongation properties, dimensional stability, abrasion, effect of sun rays, inflammability, air permeability, water repellency, degradation and the investigation of these properties depending on fabric application. The scope of investigation will include technical fabrics intended for use in civil engineering, transportation and household (3D fabrics for composites, fabrics for seat covers, furnishing fabrics etc.) on which high requirements are set, such as: safety, resistance, comfort and aesthetics. Technical fabrics for industrial purposes such as filter fabrics and fabrics for composites which are of great importance for better utilization and productivity, and still more important in terms of ecological protection of environment, will be investigated. Healthy fabrics in medical terms from natural raw, and generally fabrics with various properties and applications subjected to additional treatments according to health standards. Part of the project will be directed at the investigation and revival of Croatian eco and ethno heritage, including the manufacture of tapestry, blankets and mats interwoven with art and skill of weaving, using domestic raw materials. The aim of this research is that tapestry authenticity and originality of work of art represent a unique value.
The significance of this project is to revive the processing of domestic wool and flax in parallel with the investigation of new constructions and forms of glass technical fabrics, and new materials processed by new technologies. Several technical fabrics replicated in this project will serve as an encouragement for processing domestic wool and flax in smaller batches in karts regions of Croatia.
Key words: Technical woven fabrics, composites, wool, flax, tapestry, ethno heritage