Name of equipment:

HPLC – Liquid Chromatography Device


HPLC is used to separate, identify and quantify compounds and it depends on the interactions between the stationary phase, the molecules being analyzed and the solvent(s) used.

Model, type, country of origin:

LC-10 AD, Shimadzu, Japan

Technical characte-ristics:

– Binary pump

– Vacuum degazer

– Thermostatic automatic injector chamber

– UV / VIS detector DA

Year of origin:  2004.                  


Method of

Small volume of sample is put in the flow of mobile phase and on the basis of specific chemical and physical interactions comes to the retention of different components of the mixture. Retention time depends on the nature of the substance that is analyzed, stationary phase and mobile phase composition. Time for which the substance elutes, called the retention time, is characteristic of a particular substance.

room, location:

Department for Textile Chemistry and Ecology, Textile Research Laboratory, Savska cesta 16/9
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