19th annual Meeting
Croatian Microscopy Society

University of Zagreb

Faculty of Textile Technology

Textile Science Research Centre (TSRC)

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December 2nd, 2011., Savska 16/9, Zagreb

Purpose and Objective:

The primary purpose of the annual meeting are association and promotion, as the microscope and microscopic groups in Croatia. This year the research group of Faculty of Textile Technology, will shortly present his work in the field of microscopy. Other research in different fields of science: chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, with emphasis on materials science and nano materials will be presented in the poster section. The first part of meeting have provided for the exposure of companies in the field of microscopy and the presentation of the TTF-SEM equipped laboratory funded by FP7 -REGPOT-2008-1-229801: T-Pot project. Collaborators will show a short demonstration of FE SEM Mira LMU device tt.Tescan and EDS detector for chemical analysis of the elements of tt.Bruker. Upon completion of the planned scientific and technical part, there will be a traditional annual meeting of CMS.

14:00 to 15:00 Setting up posters and exhibitions from companies
15:00 to 16:00 Tour posters and companies exhibitions. Sightseeing SEM Laboratory
16:00 to 16:15 Opening and greetings
16:15 to 16:25 Sandra Bischof Vukušić: Microscopy of Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb
16:25 to 16:35 Sandra Flinčec Grgac: The morphology of aluminosilicate micro-porous structure of the textile
16:35 to 16:45 Zoran Kovačević: SEM characterization of keratin fibers
16:45 to 16:55 Edita Vujasinović: Microscopic analysis of fiber reinforced composites
17:00 to 17:30 Presentation of the company’s representatives and equipment manufacturers
17:30 to 18:30 Annual Meeting of CMS
18:30 to … Banquet


Please send applications for participation until November 30th, 2011. by e-mail on address: zorana.kovacevic@ttf.hr In the application please, specify: your name, surname and address, and if you participate with the poster presentation, give the title, authors and institutions that participated in the poster develepment, and if the poster was displayed at one of this year’s conference, specify the conference name, location and date. (Application form available here.)

On this page you can find and review materials from this meeting, and download files from lectures and presentations.

For organizers:

Sandra Bischof Vukušić, University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology
Deputy Head of Scientific-Research Center for Textiles (TSRC’s)
e-mail: sbischof@ttf.hr