Dear Colleagues,

Textile Science Research Centre (TSRC), University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, as part of the FP7-REGPOT-2008-1-229801: Unlocking the Croatian Textile Potentials (T-Pot) is the organizer of the lecture of Prof. D. Hui from University of New Orleans, in two parts:

1. How to write journal papers to enhance acceptance – held on 8th May 2012 at the
location of the University of Zagreb, Zvonimirova 8.

2. Nanoengineered mechanics: Why Nano?held on 9 May 2012 at 10 am in auditorium 301 (third floor) at the location of Textile Technology Faculty, Prilaz Baruna Filipovića 28a.

I will be very glad if you can join us in these lectures. The first part of the lecture is intended primarily for students and doctoral candidates. Due to organizational reasons we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by sending an application to the e-mail address: and indicate your participation in the first and / or second part of the workshop.

Materials for download:

1. Application_TSRC

2. Agenda

3. Curriculum_Hui

4. Works_Hui

Best Regards,


Ph.D. Sandra Bischof, prof.
Vice-Head of the Textile Science Research Centre
Coordinator of the FP7-REGPOT-2008-1: T-Pot
University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology
Prilaz baruna Filipovića 28a
10 000 Zagreb

E-mail:; tel/fax: 01 48 77 357, 098 9436 555

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