Title:                   Nonwovens in acoustical interior design
Project funding:   BICRO IRCRO 
Project Leader:    Prof. Goran Hudec, Ph.D.

Project Summary:

Spatial acoustics is a branch of science that deals with the acoustic design of spaces. Interiors for various purposes such as concert halls, auditoriums, factory and sports halls, often does not meet good acoustic characteristics, and require improved spatial acoustics and reducing noise.

Textile materials are often used for intervention in the acoustic characteristics of space. Surface structure of woven fabric follows the schedule of warp and weft. This causes a repetition of the spatial and frequency-dependent acoustic characteristics. Here nonwovens are of special interest as its nonhomogeunus, randomly orientated, structure reduces sound absorption frequency dependence usually found in woven textile materials. Because of its acoustic isomorphism, nonwovens are considered an ideal material for sound interventions. That is why in recent acoustic research properties of nonwovens is area of special interest, which is discussed and a number of published scientific papers.

This project covers all the technological processes of space acoustic design: measurements of acoustic characteristics of the space, the mathematical modeling of its acoustical properties, modeling the acoustic space adjustment, acoustic design and formatting of the sample of nonwovens, defining the technological process of producing nonwoven fabrics, manufacture and testing of the acoustic performance of the sample nonwovens, applying nonwoven materials into interiors and check the objectives of improved recording of acoustic space in a technological entity.

Key words: nonwovens, acoustical interior design