Organized in co-operation of

Textile Science Research Center (TSRC)

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile – Technology

Within the European project FP7-REGPOT-2008-1-229801:T–Pot

Association “Gačanka”


Croatian Association of Textile Engineers (HIST)

April 18th 2011, Otočac, 11 a.m.

As the result of cooperation of Textile Science Research Centre (TSRC) financed within the European project FP7-REGPOT-2008-1: T–Pot (project co-ordinator: Sandra Bischof – Vukušić, Ph.D., Prof.), Department of Textile Chemistry and Ecology of Faculty of Textile Technology University of Zagreb and European project “Centre for Traditional Crafts” of “Gačanka” association, under the patronage of Croatian Association of Textile Engineers, at the April 18th 2011, scientific – professional workshop will be held in Otočac (Lika – Croatia), entitled: “Protective Properties of Natural Dyestuff”.

The Workshop was held within the premises of “Gacka Public Open University” in Otočac. Also the Museum of Gacka is sited within the Open University, so the visiting tour was also organized for the workshop participants.

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Gacka Public Open University

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Participants of science – professional workshop
“Protective Properties of Natural Dyestuff”

Within the workshop invited lectures were kept, and afterward the round table with subject of development of future scientific – professional cooperation was organised, led by co-ordinator of the T-Pot project Sandra Bischof Vukušić, Ph.D., Prof.

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Lecturers and participants of the workshop

„Gačanka“ association is the most active and the most important association for traditional heritage revitalization and for development of rural areas in Lika – Senj County. Activities of project “Centre for Traditional Crafts” IPA IV – Local partnership for employment – phase 3/2011 – 2012, imply also the preservation of tradition of natural dyestuff usage in contemporary environment.

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Members of “Gačanka” association in their activities of Croatian traditional heritage preservation

Increase of interest for natural dyestuff usage is not arising only from the fact that objects dyed in specific colour shades achieved with natural pigments gets completely different and new human – ecological dimension and economic – touristic importance, but also from their well known multifunctional and protective properties (satisfactory UV protection, camouflage, inhibits the growth of certain number of pathogen bacteria).
Co-operation of Faculty of Textile – Technology through Textile Science Research Center (TSRC) financed within the scope of European project FP7- REGPOT-2008-1: T– Pot with “Gacanka” Association and their European project “Centre for Traditional Crafts” is of significant importance because of mutual interest in research of possibilities of natural dyestuff application in contemporary environment and of importance of their natural protective properties.
Program of “Centre for Traditional Crafts” project was presented by Mrs. Dragica Rogic. She signified the basic aims of the project which are manifested in revitalization of rural population of Lika – Senj County by integrating the traditional heritage and crafts in touristic offer.

Sandra Bischof Vukušić, Ph.D., Prof. presented the project T – Pot, realised within the FP7 European framework program under the REGPOT-2008-1 (regional potentials) funding scheme. She will also present the achievements of Textile Science Research Centre (TSRC).

Đurđica Parac – Osterman, Ph.D., Prof., presented the part of scientific – research work on a subject of natural dyestuff which named “The Importance of Natural Dyestuff for Croatian Product Branding”. Tanja Pušić, Ph.D., Prof., presented the special properties of Soap Nutshell as alternative washing agent, while Zeljko Knezic, Ph.D., presented the technique of manual weaving as a part of Croatian ethno heritage.

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The mayor of the town Otočac, Mr. Mario Barkovic, also welcomed the participants of the workshop and supported the initiative of cooperation between Textile Science Research Centre (TSRC), realized within the T – Pot FP7 European project coordinated by Sandra Bischof Vukušić, Ph.D., Prof., Department of Textile Chemistry and Ecology of University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology and project “Centre for Traditional Crafts” of “Gačanka” association.

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The mayor of the town Otočac, Mr. Mario Barković with participants and lecturers of the workshop

After the workshop, the representatives of the “Gačanka” association organized the tour round the specific mills on a river Gacka which are the part of the Croatian traditional heritage and are under the protection of National Institute for cultural and traditional heritage preservation.

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Traditional Croatian mills on river Gacka

Inside the traditional mills, the members of “Gačanka” association keep the permanent exhibition of traditional crafts and preserved objects and tools from traditional heritage of river Gacka area and Lika – Senj County.

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The exhibition of traditional crafts, objects and tools in mills on river “Gacka”

Science – professional workshop named “Protective Properties of Natural Dyestuff” is only a starting point for the future science – professional cooperation, which will present the platform of knowledge and experience exchange. The aim is development and upgrading the mutual interest in research of possible application of natural sources of dyed pigments in contemporary environment regarding the importance of their protective and human – ecological dimension, as well as their possible touristic – economic impact.


We sincerely give thanks to the authors of the photographs, valuable members of our team, Ana Sutlović, Ph.D., Assist. Prof., and Ksenija Visić, B.Sc.

Here you can find materials and presentations of this scientific – professional workshop.