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University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology Service for Textile European Projects FP7-REGPOT-2008-1- 229801:T-Pot ERACON projekt d.o.o Croatian Chamber of Economy
Karlovac County Chamber

On 8 December 2011 the CCE Karlovac County Chamber organized a workshop  FP7 – Research and Development Programme for Advanced SMEs in cooperation with the Servis for Textile European Projects (STEP) at the Faculty of Textile Technology (TTF) University of Zagreb and ERACON Projekt d.o.o.

At the workshop were presented the successful FP7 and EUREKA projects carried out at the Faculty of Textile Technology as a continuous and good cooperation between the former member of the project teams, and now the employee of the CCE Karlovac County Chamber.

In the opening speech Ms. Gordana Prutki Pečnik, BSc talked about funding opportunities for SMEs through the EU pre-accession funds (IPA), as well as the currently available community programs (CIP, FP7, EUREKA, Eurostars).

Prof. Sandra Bischof Vukusic, PhD presented the project FP7-REGPOT-2008-1-229801-T-Pot to strengthen the capacity of the textile industry and FP7-SME-2007-2-217809-SMILES to optimize laundry processes and textile care in which professional laundries participate as the project partners.

Prof. Bischof presented a project E! 5785 FLAMEBLEND to obtain the optimal combination of a fiber mixture for fabrics reduced flammability.

Prof. Branka Vojnović, PhD presented a very interesting EUREKA project E! 4208 PUREWATER for wastewater and drinking water treatment against heavy metal by means of natural zeolites. Two companies from Serbia and Slovenia participate as the project partners.

In the final lecture Ms. Gordana Prutki Pečnik presented the IMP3rove methodology to determinate the innovation potential of SMEs, useful for their potential investors.

(Workshop programme available here.)

On this page you can find and review materials from the workshop, and download files from lectures and presentations.


Fig. 1. The Secretary of the Croatian Chamber of Karlovac County welcomes the meeting.


Fig. 2. Karlovac County Chamber of Commerce representatives and speakers:
Gordana Prutki Pečnik, Sandra Bischof Vukušić and Branko Vojnović